
A Gateway Re-opens: the growing popularity of the Atlantic route, as told by those who risk it

In 2020, the Atlantic route saw a sharp increase in use by refugees and migrants for a range of reasons. Some relate to the characteristics of the route itself, such as the perception that it is a relatively short and direct way into Europe. Others pertain to the COVID-19 pandemic, for instance unfounded rumours that the high number of coronavirus deaths in Europe has boosted demand for labour. 

Pushed To The Brink? The impact of COVID-19 on environmental migration in the Sahel

Migration has long been a hallmark of Sahelian populations, with people migrating to mitigate the impacts of environmental degradation and diversify access to livelihoods sources, which remain predominantly based on agricultural activities and natural resources. When the first confirmed cases of COVID-19 emerged in the region in March 2020, governments were prompt to take action, imposing movement restrictions, closing international borders and implementing localised lockdowns, all in view of limiting the spread of the virus. However, this affected long-held seasonal migration patterns, putting on hold an important source of supplementary revenue for millions of Sahelians across the region. This report aims to gauge the impact of these restrictions on environmental migrants' lives in the immediate, mid- and longer term.


Start Network’s first virtual Assembly meeting took take place from Monday 12 to Thursday 15 October 2020, alongside our 10-year anniversary celebrations. Watch the recordings of the sessions related to MERF and access all the learning materials below.


Ce guide, élaboré par la consultante humanitaire Clea Kahn, vise à donner aux acteurs humanitaires une orientation pour développer leurs mécanismes de redevabilité dans le contexte de la migration mixte, en mettant l'accent sur les mécanismes de plaintes et de retour d'information. Il existe déjà d'excellents conseils sur la manière de mettre en œuvre des mécanismes de plaintes et de retour d'information dans les contextes humanitaires, et ce guide n’est pas destiné à les remplacer ou à les reproduire. Il doit être lu comme un supplément, afin de fournir une réflexion supplémentaire aux acteurs humanitaires travaillant dans des contextes de migration.


Esta orientación, elaborada por la consultora humanitaria Clea Kahn, tiene por objeto orientar a los agentes humanitarios para que elaboren sus mecanismos de rendición de cuentas en el contexto de la migración mixta, centrándose en los mecanismos de quejas y retroinformación. Ya existen excelentes orientaciones sobre la forma de aplicar los mecanismos de retroinformación y denuncia en los contextos humanitarios, y no se pretende sustituirlos ni duplicarlos. Debe leerse como un suplemento, para proporcionar una reflexión adicional a los agentes humanitarios que trabajan en contextos de migración.

Casablanca's Shifting Urban Context For Migrants

Between August 2018 and October 2019, the Migration Emergency Response Fund (MERF) funded three 3-month long projects in Morocco. Though available in 11 countries, the MERF contingency fund has been primarily used in Morocco, in part due to the described spikes in needs starting in 2018 and lack of other sources of funding.

Migration Emergency Response Fund Research Piece

This research piece attempts to navigate the discussion and explore Start Network members’, donors’ and staff perceptions and experiences of the Start Network’s dedicated Migration Emergency Response Fund (MERF), with a view to making practical recommendations in support of Start Network’s institutional engagement with mixed migration going forward.

Évaluation des flux migratoires, risques et besoins de protection sur l'axe Sévaré-Tombouctou

Le financement du MERF a été accordé sous la forme d'une subvention pour la Collaborative Information Collection and Analysis (CICA) afin d'évaluer les besoins sur la route émergente entre Sévaré et Tombouctou. L'évaluation a été menée par le Danish Refugee Council (DRC) au Mali et a confirmé le nombre très élevé de migrants utilisant cet itinéraire ainsi que le besoin d'une aide à la protection.