Analysis for Action grant

This grant is designed to enable agencies to better understand a potential crisis, to decide whether to raise an anticipation alert to the Start Funds and plan an effective intervention. 


Grant Name: Analysis for Action Grant

Grant type: Anticipatory Action

Deadline date: Rolling 

Grant duration: Varies (must be complete before the crisis onset)

Amount available: £12,000

Open to: Tier 2, Tier 3


The Analysis for Action (AA) Grant is designed to enable agencies to better understand a potential crisis, to decide whether to raise an anticipation alert to the Start Funds and to plan an effective intervention. Analysis for Action grants should analyse how a situation might evolve or deteriorate over time, and provide information, analysis and insights that can inform writing an anticipation alert note.

Grants should be used in an interagency process, to facilitate greater common situational awareness and analysis to inform evidence-based decision-making. The grant can be used for both primary and secondary data collection and analysis. Start Team can also connect you to partners who can support with data analysis and presentation. Grant applications should present a clear view of the information you are seeking to collect and analyse, and how your findings will impact your planning and decision-making in anticipation of a crisis.

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Interested in applying for a grant

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